Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree.....

Oh Christmas Treeeeee......How lovely are thy branches......Hmmm Hmm.Hmm.Hmmm.......Hmmm Hmm.Hmm.Hmm...... Pardon the singing. I just can't help myself these days. I look forward to Christmas carols ALL. YEAR. LONG. I really enjoy listening to them while I bake or sew. Or in the car, doing the dishes, folding laundry....You get the picture, right?? :) Well, I thought I would share a couple of little art projects that we did here at preschool this last week. Now that school is about to be over until the first of the year and all the kiddos will be home (anxiously awaiting Christmas morning), maybe you can keep them busy with one of these projects. First of all, I found these fun little craft foam trees on clearance at Micheal's this summer. There was a stack of 30 for about $2. This might be something to be on the look out for when you are shopping the after Christmas clearance sales. (Just the other day I spotted some gingerbread men shapes, some stars and snowflakes and several others that I will snagging up when they go on 75% off!) Punch a hole in the top for a ribbon hanger.....
Apply glue in any way desired...........
Add sequins......and WHALA! You have a shiny, shimmery ornament for the kids to hang on the tree.
Another fun idea is to invert a sugar cone on a paper plate into a glob of frosting. Let the children cover the sugar cone with green frosting using a plastic knife......
Add candies and sprinkles to "decorate" the tree.....
See Bailee's gumdrop star??? (So adorable!)
Here is one of the finished products. This activity is fantastic for developing fine motor skills. Of course, if you do make these, just know that there will be a lot of THIS going on..........
:):):):):):):):):):):):):):) You know you smiled!


TrishAnderson said...

Bailey was standing here as I pulled this up and was so excited to see the preschool pictures. My kids devoured the tree as soon as it got home.

Simple Home said...

I love seeing the kids enjoy preparing for the holidays. We were baking and decorating cookies today too, and then my kids took our them to share with our neighbors.I think they enjoyed that as much as making them.

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

What wonderful ideas! They look like such fun!
I'll be on the lookout for bargains--one of the best days of the year to shop!