It just doesn't seem possible.
My baby turns 15 today.
She will be driving in 6 months, dating in a year, and I still haven't lost my baby fat from giving birth to her all those years ago.
Ragan is such a joy.
She is funny. She is sweet. She is beautiful.
There was a time that she hated having her picture taken. She would never smile.
Who knew she was practicing for beautiful self portraits like this.....

She is tender and loving to all of Heavenly Father's creations.

She is a joy to our family. We are so lucky to have her in our lives.....even though her volume control button sometimes gets stuck on loud and she listens to music that makes the dogs howl. :):):):):)

She tells us she loves us every day.
She doesn't care if we call her names like "princess", "baby girl" or "buggin".
She doesn't care if we kiss her in public but is mortified if we pick her up from school in the suburban.
With Ragan, everyday is a new adventure!
Aww what a sweet post! Happy Birthday to your beautiful sweet and kind daughter - she seems to take after her mom!!
Happy Birthday to a very beautiful girl!
Happy Birthday to your "baby". I hope you have a great day together. Have a wonderful weekend. Julie
Happy Birthday Ragan!!! I hope it is a great day for her - do you have any big plans? Enjoy the day!
Happy Birthday Ragan!
And I am in trouble because I thought the sub was a very cool vehicle
I know how you feel, Jo Anne.
My baby is a daughter-Sara. To me she is the perfect everything. We are best friends. She is 31 now with 2 beautiful boys and very soon on her way to China for a daughter of her own. It only gets better, I promise......
P.S. I still call her Baby, Peaches, and any of several endearments I have used all her life. And she is never reluctant to hug or kiss us in public. She has even stopped caring what kind of car we are driving.
Happy Birthday Ragan!
She is beautiful!!! When did she grow up?
I LOVE RAGAN!!!!!! She has grown up just in the short time we have known you. My MacKenzie says "IT's Ragan!!!!" over my shoulder! She loves Ragan too!
a fifteen year old daughter - you must give me some survival tips. I am already swimming the highs and lows of a thirteen year beauty and have been for a couple years. I wouldn't trade her for anything but I'm sure glad I only have to the girl thing once!
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