My children never cease to amaze me. They inspire me to be a better person. They absolutely bring so much joy to my life. Their personalities are all so different and unique. I am eternally grateful for each one of them. My life is richly blessed because of them.

Like this magic marker fight that Mark and Ragan got into one day. Each one declared themselves the "winner".
Elder VanWagoner played the piano for hours. Since we are more of the singing variety in this house, it was a nice change to hear beautiful music coming from our piano. We are what I call "plunkers" when it comes to piano playing. :)
The children set their own place at the table.
It was so fun. I am grateful that these little children are in my life. They bring me so much happiness. They each have fantastic parents that I proudly call my friends.

I am very thankful for our home. It is comfortable with plenty of room for all of us, plus more. It makes me feel so good when it is packed with family and friends.
We had a small group for dinner yesterday. Justin was here with us. His family went out of town. We also had the missionaries here. Elder Horrocks is still here after 6 months. We are glad because he is so fun. We have a new missionary...Elder VanWagoner. He has only been out for 3 weeks. We were supposed to have some other people on our guest list but when they found out the missionaries were going to be here, they decided not to come. It made me feel so bad. These young men are away from their families. Sometimes very far away. Please, if you ever see a missionary...say hello. Don't be afraid of them. All they are doing is sharing the sweet message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They love to talk to everyone and anyone.
Here are all the kids playing a game.....

In preschool, Our little Thanksgiving feast went off without a hitch. Most of the kids liked the food. Of course there are some that don't like to eat much, but I have come to expect that. On the menu we had,
Chicken legs (our turkey)
corn (Squanto taught the pilgrims how to plant corn)
corn muffins with butter
dried fruit (we talked about how the pilgrims did not have refrigerators and they had to have a way to make their food last through the winter)
and of course, pumpkin pie.
The children came dressed as a Pilgrim or an Indian.

I am also thankful for all the friends that I have made here in Blogland. Thank you for "visiting" me and saying such kind things. It has really restored my faith in human nature!
And, you should all be happy to know that our $20 washing machine is working famously. It actually spins the clothes so well that the drying time is so much less than before!
I am so thankful that the price of gas has gone down. I can't believe how much! Here the cheapest I have seen is $1.79/gallon. Now I can finally fill the suburban for less than $100! It hasn't had a full tank in I don't know how long!
Of course there are many more countless things that I am thankful for. I hope I will always be worthy of my blessings.
Have a fantastic day!
Hugs to you Jo-Anne! Have a fantastic day!
OK, here is elder Horrocks from? If he is from Idaho, does he hve a brother named Scott and sister-in-law named Michelle. You'll have to let me know.
Looks like you had a fantastic day.
You do have so much to be thankful for and it is wonderful how often you share them with us. It helps us all to remember to be thankful for all that we have been given and not just 'material' things.
The pics of the kiddo's brought me back to our feasts. I miss that - the kiddo's just warm your heart, don't they?
I am so glad the washer is working - that is no small blessing. And I am extra happy that you are having some cooler temps. ENjoy enjoy!
hugs, Linda
I love the magic marker fight:) Made me smile and laugh.
Hey Jo-Anne, thanks for all of the wonderful posts full of love, gratitude and thanksgiving. I've loved all of them and the pictures too! Have a wonderful weekend with your family!
Hugs, Kim
We are so blessed, aren't we? Thank you for sharing your thanksgiving with us. It's great to set aside time to contemplate our blessings. Looks like you had a great time with the Elders! I am so grateful for all those who serve missions all over the world. They change the world with their service! Have a great week Jo-Anne!
I love the marker fight!! We used to open boxes of cake batter and throw the powder mix on each other. Haha...only funny when you are not the mom and don't have to clean it up :-)
I love the story about your washing machine...
and tell Ragan congrats!! She rocks :-)
It looks like a wonderful weekend. I believe that Family is the most important thing in life. I always smile when I read your blog. Thanks for that!
Great post!! Your family looks like a lot of fun. Hope your Thanksgiving was blessed!! Glad the washer is running!! Have a great day. Julie
Hi...Wanted to be sure you were aware that I have another round of the 4 Seasons Quilt Swap in the signup process. It won't start until after the new year. More info is at www.fourseasonsquiltswap.blogsopt.com
What a great list of bleassings! And Yerma -- that's hysterical!
Hi Yerma!~ :P
It was nice checking out your blog. Another BIG Carter Clan. I am 4th of 6, from Ohio. 2 boys 4 girls.
Take Care
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