Well, tomorrow's the big day. The day where everyone gets back to daily grind. Some of us have had to work a few days over the break, but for the most part, we have been preeeety lazy here at the Carter house. Ragan is not excited about school starting again. Makenzie is not excited about going back to work. But Craig and I are excited to get back to our old routine. I have missed my little preschoolers. And Craig can only do so much sitting without getting very ornery! :)
While Craig has been watching (what seems to me) to be an endless stream of football games,
I have been finishing up some unfinished projects. I really have my pick of SEVERAL. This is a little scrappy quilt that I will keep out for January. I keep some snowmen decorations out during January and this blue fabric will match them.
I also was able to finish up this little quilt. Now all you quilty pro's just stand back from your computer a little and squint your eyes. This is not perfection by any stretch of the imagination. A few months ago, I sewed about a gazillion half square triangles, and by the end, I realized that I had measured wrong and couldn't use them for the project for which they were intended. I didn't want to waste them, so I threw this little baby together. I do believe I have chopped off most of the points and many seams do not match, but I adore the colors and can't wait to find a place to hang it.
My favorite part of making a quilt is taking it out of the dryer after it has been quilted, washed and dried. I just love the wrinkly goodness!

I discovered a new blog recently. It is called,
A Hole in the Basket Primitives. Ann has a Procrastinators Challenge going on. She is challenging everyone to finish up their unfinished projects and will give a prize to the top two finishers. I thought I would give it a go. I am not one to set resolutions in the new year (Except, I do hereby resolve to not make another batch of caramel corn until next Christmas. I must have eaten 10 gallons of that stuff!) but I thought her challenge just might be the kick in the hiney that I need.
Soooo, much to my shame and horror, I have included some photos of things I need to finish.....
I have been crocheting some scarves lately. 5 of them need the fringe put on.

This fabric is for some curtains. Some for the kitchen, the other for the family room.

This is the recent sorting of fabric that I have been thinking about making into a Valentine quilt or table runner.

This is what I have regrettably done to the top of a little hutch in the preschool room. I am such a piler! Surprisingly, all of these things have a place to go....just getting them there is the challenge!

Here is a preschool table, again piled to the max! And look--the calender still says December! Oh boy, do I have my work cut out for me!

Those with weak stomachs, avert your eyes immediately. The picture you are about to see will undoubtedly make you gasp!
But, we are only as sick as our secrets, right?? I have been hiding this mess for quite a while now. OH! the SHAME! :) I really want to get this organized....

Pop over to Ann's blog and join the fun! You have until Feb. 8Th to see how many projects you can finish.
I have been wanting to have a giveaway for a little while now, but just haven't gotten around to posting about it. But this time, I wanted to add a little twist to my giveaway. It is going to be a SURPRISE giveaway!! I have been gathering a few things here and there and I promise, whoever wins this, will enjoy it! So, you know the drill....leave me a comment and tell me all about your unfinished projects and I will put your name in the drawing. The giveaway will go until Jan. 10Th. Post this giveaway on your blog, and I will add your name 5 more times! WOO HOO!
Don't forget to include your email address or some other way I can contact you! :):):)
Ooo! A surprise giveaway! What fun! I have such a mess in my sewing room right now it's embarrassing but, it's part of organized chaos method of working so, I like it a bit messy. It's just time to shift from Christmas to Valentine's. I'm working on a few Valentine's tablerunners that I need to get too pretty quick because I know it's coming fast.
Have a great Sunday. Our meetings start at 1pm now. I wish they were at 9am like my kids YA ward.
Pick me! Pick me! I'll even come over and help you sort your "stuff' if it'll help convince you to pick me!!
Hugs, Kimberly
I have many unfinished projects. Your quilts are darling and I love your Valentine's fabric. Way to go. BY the way my husband has been watching the same games as yours.
I have tons of unfinished scrapbook pages - I just can't bring myself to finish them!!!
contact me at:
Hi! Just dropped via Linda's to read your blog. I love your triangle quilt! It looks great to me. I can so relate to the unfinished projects! I could make a VERY long list of them. Please put my name in the hat for the drawing! I love surprises! Love you blog and I'm adding it to my ever growing list of must reads.
Oh, how I love that quilt...I think it's superb:)
I don't have alot of unfinshed projects except for the penny candle mat and a few stitcheries what with working this Christmas season I just knew nothing would get finished;)
Please enter me in your "suprise" giveaway...I can't wait to see what you have in store!
I love your two little quilts. I've spent TWO DAYS going through my sewing/computer room - I think I have 13 unfinished projects. So I'm going to try and do 1 a month plus all the new stuff I want to do. Have fun with preschool.
Oh goody, a give-away, what fun. It looks as if you have more than enough to keep you going for a while now. Will you be able to stay disciplined and do them, or will you get sidetracked onto other projects?
UFO's - well the main ones in the quilty department are a sampler quilt that has been in the making for my Mum for quite a few years, a stain glass wall hanging and a bargello - or buggerello - as I christened it cause it was causing so much trouble. It would be good if, I should, get these things done this year. There are other things in the cupboard but they are more crafty, things that were played with before quilting took over. Guess, if I'm bored, there will always be something to do. And then there are the collections of fabric bought for such and such a quilt......
Happy New Year
Jo-Anne - No WAY can I tell you about ALL my UFO's! There are at least 30 quilt tops, 20 sets of blocks for quilt tops, three hooked rugs that have been begun, but not finished. Some furniture that I'm wanting to refinish, and last week I started stripping wallpaper - after that's done the painting will begin. It's making me tired just listing them all! LOL Good luck with yours.
Ahem, lil' missy, you've got some organizing to do LOL! I've just finished cleaning my sewing room and unearthed a bunch of UFOs. I don't want to talk about it.
I can't believe Mark's in Africa already -- I thought he would have had his training in Provo -- shows you how out of touch I am! I'm glad you all had a good Christmas without him -- think how fun it will be to have him come home just in time for Christmas in 2010!
OH - great challenge for the new year. Everyone will be a winner by getting things done!
I don't sew but have several projects of my own. It may seem small, but oh no! I need to organize my scrapbook stickers and die cuts and paper strips. HUGE I say. Thanks for the motivation!
You have made some great progress so far! Love the quilts, even if they aren't perfect, they are beautiful!
I'm sure you'll get your projects all caught up...we all will in time :)
Oh, goodie....a giveaway! Yay!
Have a great day :)
You are a brave, brave women to actually put on display your unfinished projects - I won't dare, the post would be waaaaay too long!
I love the crinkly, wrinkly washed texture of quilts too. (I have my own unfinished quilt that I started two years ago) Maybe I should accept that challenge as well......
What a nice surprise! I was catching up on blogs today and decided to stop by to see what i missed. :o)
I have WAY too many unfinished projects...#1 would be the quilt that i started making for dd#1 I only need to finish the quilting and binding, only now she says she no longer likes the colors....dd#2 begs me to finish hers...i keep debating if i should pay to have hers quilted. Just cant seem to find that $$ or that time...
WoW - how amazing that give away will cause organizing and cleaning. Whatever it takes, right?? I do'nt really have any unfinished projects. I was able to do so much over the break!!! Yeah - what a load off. I guess my next big project will be to take down Christmas - UGH! Not looking forward to that!
I love the quilts you made. I feel your pain when it comes to unpointy points and such, but your quilt looks great--your colors are awesome. Please put me in for the drawing. I love surprises!!!! Does bribery work? I'll come help you organize!! How's that? LOL Have a great day. Julie
Your quilts are beautiful! I actually (in a moment of insanity) decided to make Kyle a cars quilt for his new bed. What was I think? That is my unfinished project!
I have a bag stuffed full of projects I have embroidered or cross-stitched. Everyone of them needs to be trimmed with lace or eyelet. And yet I have moved on to another cross stitch project but it is a beautiful real line tablecloth with 4 matching napkins. I really want to do this one. And I haven't scrapbooked in over 8 months. I really feel bad about that.
I would be in heaven if I had as much material as you do. Of course, I have gathered with the intention of making table runners and a valance for our great room.
There is never enough time, is there?
I am going to put this giveaway on the top of my sidebar!!!
Yes, You do need to join my challenge! Let me know how you are doing. Ann
Oooh! I love the plaid and gingham for the curtains! If I lived close I would help you organize and you wouldn't owe me anything! You could just leverage with Ragan's babysitting :-)
Oh- did you get my new blog address? It is www.eatprayrun.net now
I wish my unfinished projects and clutter were as organised as yours Jo-Anne! Love the quilts but especially the one with the little triangles. My big problem with unfinished work is that I love the felting part of all my projects but seem to get stuck on the rest, lining, sewing buttons, making handles, all those little things. I did make a HUGE effort before Chrismas to complete as many of these as possible but I still have about 3 bags waiting for handles, some felt to cover a diary/notebook, loads of felted beads to string into jewellery or mobiles, the list goes on! I am actually organising a destash swap at http://www.flickr.com/groups/clasheen/ to try and get me in the mood for tidying and finishing projects. Please include me in your draw!! X
Please count me in. I love surprises! I will add you to my blog today.
Hi again Jo-Anne, I have just spent a 'happy' 20 minutes sorting out the projects that I will work on for the challenge (picture on my blog), here goes .......
1 Handle and closure on large green/lime/white bag.
2 Handle on small green bag and possibly some beading.
3 Handle on small blue/purple/navy/white bag.
4 Handle on natural bag with goat hair.
5 Handle and closures on the small mixed blue saddle bag.
6 Wet and re-felt the brown and cream vessel so that I can use it as a bag instead of a desktop tidy. Add a handle, poss leather.
7 Make a closure for the red and pink mosaic neck wrap.
8 String felt beads to make tactile outdoor and indoor mobiles.
9 String beads to make jewellery.
10 Decide how to finish and hang my batiked circle fabric, been waiting a long time for this one!!
11 Possibly make something with the blue/purple nuno felt you can just see peeking out from behind the bags.
12 Possibly add a handle and closure to the nuno felted bag just visable to the right of the nuno neck wrap.
I have linked you to my latest blog post as I was not sure how to use the button at the end of your post!! Thanks again for the motivation.
Oooh, I love surprises!!!! Count me in!
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