Come one, come all!
For all of you just tuning in, I am trying to enlist your help in making a decision as to whether or not to open an Etsy shop.
You all know the routine, right??
Leave me a comment telling me (a) what your experiences have been with Etsy...buying, selling or otherwise, and/or (b) what you would like to see or buy from an Etsy shop.
If you would like to enter more than once, mention this give away on your blog (then email me with your link) and I will enter your name another THREE times. My email address is;
Everyone that already left me a comment on my original post about this will be entered in the drawing an additional time.:)
I will have one of my wonderful children draw a name out of a hat on Wednesday, July 30th.
For your trouble, I am offering this prim tool box.
It is ready to stuff full of your favorite items. (I will be including some REALLY fun little stuffers for it, as well!!)

Here it is with some ivy...
('s fake. Don't judge me.)

I can't wait to hear what you have to say!!!
I've sold on Etsy - easier than Ebay. The fees are better, and your stuff stays listed for 4 months at a time. I took a break over the summer, but hope to get back to it this fall.
LoL Jo-Ann Oh my word Everyone quick Jo-ann uses fake plants. How dare she!!! I can't believe it she is so perfect. LOL. Oh wait she is reading this!
I LOVE it Jo-ann. I'd be happy to show it on my blog.
I don't have an experience yet, just signed up last night.. I'm pretty excited. Best wishes to you! I would love to be entered in your giveaway, and I'll post yours on mine..
I too am having a giveaway.. Oh, and very pleased to meet you!
I have gotten a lot of attention from my etsy (more than my website). I just joined in May and have had some sells. I like it beause it is very litle investment(.20) and it is already out there, people are gonna look...and buy!
And I want that box!
I love the toolbox!
I have only recently bought something from Etsy and it was very easy and great!
I bought off Etsys and I love it. I love handmade over mass produced and I think that it is much more special and better made. I think you should go for it... what do you have to loose. I am thinking of opening one myself.
i've been thinking about the etsy thing too. sort of just for fun to see if i could actually sell stuff.
but i do'nt have any helpful hints. i've only bought something from it once. it was a good, easy experience though.
good luck!
I have an Etsy shop, things have slowed for me this summer but I hope to pick it up soon. The fees are so cheap, I have never sold on E-bay though. make sure you take clear pics of your crafts and lots of details about your item!
Good Luck !
Please enter me into your contest, your toolbox would look great in my Americana living room with Flag fillers in it!
Take Care,
I would just love that with some jars in it as a caddy. As for an Etsy shop, I have no experience selling but I do love to go there and look around. I may do a lot of my Christmas shopping from the Etsy's.
i have bought on esty , but not sold.
hhmmm. what would i like to see?? vintage or altered art journals, more wood stuff, and stencils.... i think thats it for now.
I have found some really nice handmade soap and candles on Etsy, it's a wonderful resource. I find myself spending a lot of time looking for things to buy when I should be doing other things, but there are so many wonderful choices!
Thanks for offering the toolbox, that would come in very handy for me.
I have sold on ebay,and have a etsy shop now. I have recently join the primitive style of decorating and have enjoyed very much looking at the different primitive creations in some of the etsy shops. Its not hard at all to open a shop and I think you would most likely enjoy doing so. There is such a variety of different things talented etsy sellers create and also many neat vintage items to shop from. Good luck in deciding if it may be for you...
God bless, Shelley
I love your toolbox! I'd love to have it in my home!
You know we just started our Etsy shop and so I don't really have any input on selling here yet, but I'm hoping it will be really successful. However, I have bought off Etsy and I love the idea that it's homemade things.
I will tell you that Etsy's fees are so much better than ebay (I've only sold a little on ebay...none of our homemade stuff though).
Anyway, there you go! That's all I know! Sorry I wasn't more help than that!
And I will announce your giveaway on my blog tomorrow! Oh, and pick me, pick me!!!! :)
I posted your giveaway on my blog! I think Etsy is great! It's cheap to list and it's up for 4 months, so there's not much to lose there. It's been an unexpected blessing for me. I love Etsy because there is such a wide variety of handmades. I can't believe all the talent there! I just started, but if you have any questions, just ask. I can't wait to see more of your handmades! Yeah!
I love to buy from etsy ~ it is sooo easy to do. I love all of the great handmade things I can find from crafty people like you! I just found your site and really love it. I like to purchase one of a kind and unique things ~ newly made and old things that have been repurposed. Please enter me in the tool box giveaway ~ it is awesome!!!
I've never sold on Etsy but love to browse and look at all the primitive hand made items that are for sale:) I've never found them on Etsy but would like to see homespun valences or shower curtains to purchase.
I'll put your giveaway on my blog today!!! Love the tool box carrier!
Like I said earlier, I've never sold on etsy, but I totally think you should do it. What's the harm? I'd love to win that cute little toolbox, i've been eyeing one of those forever at the local craft store.
I have only bought on Etsy a couple of times but I love everything I've gotten.
The prim tool box is something I would purchase. It's one of those things you could use anywhere in your house and it's cute too.
What a wonderful giveaway! I'm toying with the Etsy shop idea myself and I wish you lots of luck.
Anything handmade is wonderful to buy!
Well; I have an ETSY; but I haven't yet posted anything; I have looked at things on ETSY and would more likely buy there as things are handmade. I love your tool box. I am posting this on my blog and will emial you; Merrie
I have had my etsy shop a couple of years and love it! You will find it so easy and fun plus you meet lots of wonderful people. Will be glad to help you with etsy in any way. Just let me know.
I say go for it!!!
I have bought on Etsy and listed, can't beat the fees... Great
thanks, janie
US??? We would never judge your fake ivy LOL! Cute box!
I have no experiences to share with you about etsy. I have looked around there and have considered buying a few things but that's it. I have also thought about opening my own etsy store but I'm not sure yet. I know I hear lots of good things from others so if you want to do it...GO FOR IT!
I have bought a few things on Etsy so far and the transactions went smoothly, I enjoyed the conversations with the seller and really like to be able to find so many nice handmade things there---its like my favorite craft fair, but only online! Good luck in whatever you decide!
I have purchased numerous items on ETSY and been very happy with everything-quality, price, timely delivery.
I love the wood work items and hand-stitched things.
I wish I were brave enough to open a shop myself.....
Thanks for the opportunity to win this tool box. I could do alot of things with it.
Me again! I just posted your giveaway on my blog. Thanks so much for stopping by :) Come back anytime...
Since I told you on the phone- does that count:) I want to enter. I have not sold on esty-but my sister has. I don't know if I ever would-at least right now. I sell books on Amazon all the time- and it is super easy to do.
I love the bookmarks and cards you cam buy....Mary
I've never sold on there but I have bought a few things from other bloggers who sell. If I had things to sell I would sell for sure.
It surely can't hurt to try. I say go for it!
I love your giveaway and would like to enter. I also have a place on my blog where I list all the giveaways I find so I'm going to post you there.
I'm having two giveaways. One is ending tomorrow and the other one is a Christmas in July that is going on until the end of the month. If interested stop by and enter. There is a link to the CHirstmas one on the right side of my blog.
That tool box is destined for quilt fabric...please stop by for a visit and enter me.
Go for it!
Shopping on Etsy it's easy...
What a adorable box! What a generous give away. I love all the variety in Etsy. I usually spend hours looking through everyone's creativity.
I just started my blog in June and opened my Esty shop two weeks ago. I liked setting up the was easy and so far my bill for fees is only $2.80...can't beat that!! I haven't sold anything yet, but it's fun to see that someone has been looking at my stuff!!
Keep in touch,
Hey, Sound like Esty is a good way to go! I have signed up, but have not listed anything yet.
I love the toolbox, I think i could find a great spot for it!Hint!
Yayyy Another Utah gal, you are in Utah right? I LOVE prims, I didnt realize there were others here in Utah that were Prim fans to, how fabulous, I have an addiction to both ebay AND Etsy hehe, I also have sold several things at etsy and its great, I do graphics. I really should get some more stuff up there soon. Id love to win your toolbox SOO prim and fab, thanks bunches, Carm
Hi Jo-Anne,
It's me again....I just wanted to let you know that I've got your giveaway annoucement scheduled to post on my blog tomorrow!
Have a great weekend!
I am enjoying your blog and all the great pictures!
I have a few friends that sell on etsy and have had luck with it. My DD and I are going to be starting a shop sometime soon on it. I have only bought on etsy.
I love the tool box! It would look so cute in my kitchen. I want to win it so bad. Crossing everything I can on me for good luck! Hugs, Bobbi Jo
I enjoy buying from ETSY. I'm not talented enought to sell anything so I'll have to stick to shopping. :) I love prims. They are so much fun and everyone is so unique with them. The tool box is great. Count me in for your drawing.
love the toolbox!
I would have to say go for it!!! I have only bought from Etsy and it was very easy.
I've never sold on Etsy but I like shopping there. It's been great so far. For me, if the picture is too far away and unclear and sometimes the pictures are too shadowed or dark, I will lose interest. The pictures are what sell the item for sure! Thanks for the giveaway.
I've had some sales but they were not very big, it seems only the little cheap stuff sold. The nice handmade bags didn't go and they are all priced less than $20. You only lose .20 though so it's not much of a risk.
Darn, Jo-Anne...I started to leave a comment and then it disappeared and I'm not sure if I posted it or not. Why do I always screw up when leaving comments for you??
In case you don't get the one I already started, I have three friends with etsy shops.
One of them sells stuff weekly, another sells something "once in a while" and the other hasn't sold anything yet.
I think you need a fabulous shop name/logo, and then just spread the word.
What would I like to see? Hmmm. That's a hard one. But I would definitely like to see that box in my livingroom so I'll give it a try :o)
I'm not even sure what kind of stuff you "do", but right now I'm into hand-painted wooden plates, pin cushions, bags, moda fabric, wreaths, ladders, quilts, and rusty beat-up junk that's made beautiful.
I also love pineapples, sheep, americana, cowboy, french country, toile, daisies, fun quotes, and vintage stuff.
I'll put an announcement on my blog 'cause I NEED that box...
Hi! I have an etsy site. It is very easy and lots of fun. This is just something I have noticed that the more often I post things the more traffic I get. I have been lazy and haven't post anything new in a while. But when I am posting new things, I do get more sales.
My site is
If you need help with a banner and avitar, I have a friend that designed mine. She does great work, her user name on etsy is hollydoodle.
Good luck!
I haven't sold on Etsy but have on ebay. Actually, I'm new to Etsy. Only found out about it on the blogs I visit. Glad I did! Love to go and look around and will be doing some shopping there soon for Christmas. I would LOVE to win the tool box. It's perfect for my home. Nice to meet you!
I love the simplicity of Etsy. I have a little shop too but it has been dormant this summer. I'm working on some dolls to fill it in September.
There is not much to lose if you open a shop. Minimal investment and setup time. But you'll need to network and promote your shop so others know you're there!
Best wishes,
PS My maiden family is a Carter Clan too!
I really haven't had much Etsy experience. I bought a couple things and it went well.I would love to be entered in your giveaway. Oh, and I would like to win it too. Cheers.
hey there...i came to you by way of felicia. i have an etsy shop and have had it for a while. i've sold a few things through there. i think that it's really important to put as many descriptive words on your description as you can. you'll see that part when you go through putting your items on. also just advertise through your blog and however you can that you are there. i agree with the lady above about posting often there and you can now join groups on etsy and that is good advertisement i think. it's just with anything on line. you just have to advertise, advertise, advertise...that word is really hard to type!
hope this helps...that jam looks yummy!
hey there...i came to you by way of felicia. i have an etsy shop and have had it for a while. i've sold a few things through there. i think that it's really important to put as many descriptive words on your description as you can. you'll see that part when you go through putting your items on. also just advertise through your blog and however you can that you are there. i agree with the lady above about posting often there and you can now join groups on etsy and that is good advertisement i think. it's just with anything on line. you just have to advertise, advertise, advertise...that word is really hard to type!
hope this helps...that jam looks yummy!
Hi Jo-Anne,
Your giveaway is posted on my blog! Just wanted to let you know! I'll be excited waiting until July anniversary is July 31st...maybe I'll get lucky and get it for my anniversary! :)
Have a great weekend!
O.K. - So I am just so smiling that you have 50 comments! You and your crafts would be so loved on etsy! Wish I could give you more advice but as you know I know nothing! :) Best of luck in whatever you decide.
Wow, 50 comments already, I was grateful for 20. I guess I just don't have a lot of blogging friends yet.
I have no experience with Etsy yet although it looks like a fun thing to look at and to buy. I just haven't spent the time as of yet. I'm actually afraid too, since I'm SURE I'll find something I like and then I'll have to buy it!! Ha! Ha!
Good luck on your efforts! I'll come have a look when you set up your Etsy site.
Cute little toobox! I don't have a etsy shop but my friend Rose (Sugarplum Cottage) has one and she does great! She has wonderful things on there. good Luck in starting your etsy shop...hope you do good. :D
I have never sold on etsy, but am looikng into it!! My daughter and I have made some crafts and dont know how to get them going on etsy. I will need to check it out soon :)
Please add me to your giveaway, hope you have a great sunday :)
Hello Jo Anne I hope you are having a wonderful Sunday. I just popped over to take a look see. I really enjoyed reading your posts. I bookmarked you. Please enter me in you contest. I am having a give a way also so stop by and leave a comment to enter. My drawing will be Aug. 1st. I will visit again.
hi Jo-Ann,
Just wanted to let you know that I post about your giveaway on my blog:)
Hope you are having a great Sunday!
Joanne, The box is adorable, you could do so much with it. I'm a newbie to blogging and it's a blast. I love it. I'm The Shabby Blue Cottage. Nice to drop by. Tracey
JoAnne, Love the white box. So many options to work with. I'm a newbie to blogging and I love it. Nice to meet you. Tracey
I've not had any experience with Etsy yet, but plan on doing so real soon, as one of my best friends, Tammy and her husband just opened up their Etsy shop not very long ago.
I guess I would love to see some handmade prim shelves for sale on Etsy.
I'd love to win your prim looking tool box!! It would look perfect in my office/study that I plan on having done in the very near future... :)
I am keeping my fingers crossed that one of your children will draw my name to be the lucky winner of your prim tool box!!
Thank you for the chance and opportunity to be in your lucky drawing JoAnne!!
I love to buy on etsy! I have bought soaps, jewelry, a headband and decorative items.
I have not sold anything on etsy, but I am thinking about listing some 'vintage' items.
Best of luck to you, thanks for the contest!
WoW! I just noticed my blog, posted on your blog. Yippee!! I would love to win your giveaway - and of course I will be posting it on my blog as usual.
Phew!! Glad I got home before the drawing!! Would love to win that cute box. Please enter me. I haven't sold on ebay or etsy, so I don't know much about either. I'm sure you would do well--you make really cute things. Have a great day. Julie
Hi , Im new to your blog but saw you over at Katy's so wanted to come over and visit. Please enter me into your drawing and then come over to my blog and enter in my giveaway. Hope you have a great week! Karen
I have looked at stuff on etsy but haven't bought yet. I've heard it is much nicer for seller and buyer on etsy than on ebay. I'd like to open a shop on etsy so I'll be watching for your shop to open soon.
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